
Before starting your actual reviews, you have to “bid” on the papers, i.e., to specify which one you would like to review the most.

The bidding phase is crucial in the papers review process, since it enforces the papers assignment to the best possible experts in the TPC. Even if the quest of this best assignment is not always possible (it depends on the TPC expertise and submitted papers distribution per domain), the bidding is still the best way to look for it.

To do the bidding, the steps are:

  • We will send an email to start the bidding process
  • Login to
  • Head to
  • You will be able to see the list of all the papers submitted to the PC meeting.
  • For each paper, you need to specify how much you would like to review it. HotCRP allows you to specify your preferences at a fine grain, by giving a note for each paper. Values usually range from -20 to 20
    • Value: The paper is within your area of expertise and you are very interested in reading it. The higher the value, the higher you
  • High value: The paper is within your area of expertise and you are very interested in reading it.
  • Value around 0: You have some basic knowledge of the topic of the paper and you are able give your opinion on it.
    • Low value: You do not understand anything of the topic of the paper
      • -100: You don’t speak french and the paper is in french or you personally know the authors: you have worked with him in the past, he is a friend, etc. (see List of possible conflicts of interests).

NB: we will eject from the PC the persons that don’t specify their bids. Indeed, it is impossible to provide accurate reviews without bids

We encourage you to minimize the number of low values. Indeed, Algotel / Cores is a community conference, and covers a large set of domains. Thus, no TPC member may have the specific skills.

We will do our best to assign to you the papers that you prefer to review the most, but we cannot guarantee it will be possible in all cases: if you gave a high value to many papers, you will have less chances to get a paper you did not want to review.

It is worth noting that the review must be written in English in any case (so that any TPC member can read it). Thus, it is safe to accept a review even if you just read (and not write) french.