Call for candidates

Dear All,
We organize a shadow program committee (PC) for the Algotel / Cores 2022 edition. 
Join us now if interested.

A shadow PC is an excellent opportunity for young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) to learn about the scientific organization of a conference, especially by mimicking the work of the official PC. The participants commit to write reviews of articles of the official Algotel/Cores conferences and participate to the discussions in a shadow PC meeting. Participation is free of charge.
If you are interested, please apply before February 25, 2022

For more details, visit


Being on a shadow PC is an excellent opportunity for young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) to get experience in community service, i.e., program committee practices. Shadow PC members commit themselves to writing their own detailed and rigorous reviews for their assigned papers by the alloted deadlines. This commitment is essential to the good functioning of the Shadow PC.

We will have a face-to-face shadow PC meeting (foreseen on May 30 morning) for selecting the articles that would be part of the shadow conference program. Being a member of a shadow PC is a lot of work. But besides the recognition of being selected, it is also very rewarding and worthwhile for a number of reasons, including:

– Getting to know how a PC is run and how it operates;
– Submitting high quality reviews;
– Seeing how other reviewers judge the same papers that you review;
– Understanding the scientific expectations of different communities (Algotel and Cores) participating in the same event;
– Getting to see both strong and weak papers at the submission stage;
– Getting to know other active young researchers in the community also selected in the PC.  


The students who want to apply to the shadow PC accept the following tasks:

– Participate in bidding (i.e., declare the topics and conflicts of interest, to help reviewer-paper assignments);
– Handling up to 5 papers to review;
– Participation to the online discussions;
– Participation to the face-to-face PC meeting in the Parisian region;

NB: members will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation for the shadow PC meeting. 


The shadow PC The shadow PC targets both French and non French speaking researchers. Discussions during the PC meeting will be held in English to be inclusive. However, the English proficiency should not be an obstacle. We expect applications only from students working currently in France.
The students should have already written scientific papers, and may have done reviews (even unofficially, under the umbrella of their PhD advisor(s)).

Important Dates

  • – Call for reviewers : February 25, 2022 (firm deadline)
  • – Call for papers : March 04, 2022 (tentative)
  • – Paper bidding : March 7 to 11, 2022 (tentative)
  • – Reviews due : April 25, 2022 (tentative)
  • – Online discussions : May 02 to 15, 2022 (tentative)
  • – PC Meeting : May 30, 2022 (tentative) monday morning of the Cores Conference

Thank you for your attention,
The shadow PC committee

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